Somos conscientes del hecho de que la certificación de algunos técnicos expirará por causas ajenas y, debido a la situación con el COVID-19, puede ser imposible para todos nosotros llevar a cabo dicha formación por las restricciones impuestas por el Gobierno.

También existe la posibilidad que algunas de nuestras empresas y técnicos miembros prestarán servicios que los gobiernos consideran “esenciales”.

En este sentido, mientras implementamos medidas de apoyo, nuestros Estatutos continuarán aplicándose en todos los aspectos a los técnicos. y los miembros continuarán siendo responsables de sus actividades.

A pesar de lo anterior, dadas las circunstancias actuales sin precedentes y hasta que adoptemos las medidas apropiadas, no se suspenderá o finalizar la titulación de ningún técnico que incumpla sus obligaciones de mantener la titulación en vigor de IRATA y de los Estatutos con respecto a la certificación de sus técnicos que surge como resultado directo de las consecuencias relacionadas con COVID-19.

Para evitar dudas, continuará aplicándose a todos los miembros la cláusula que dice, garantizar que todas las operaciones de acceso por cuerda sean supervisadas directamente por técnicos de acceso por cuerda IRATA Nivel 3.

Comunicado IRATA Internacional
Comunicado IRATA Internacional

Due to the impact the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having in many countries, we are working with members remotely where possible in the event of an audit and for other requirements that can be satisfied electronically or by telephone. Whilst our focus is duly on supporting our members and technicians, we are also working hard to ensure that our Head Office (HO) staff are able to continue to provide certification services from a safe environment. We also expect that you are likely facing unprecedented difficulties both personally and commercially, but respectfully request that you exercise patience whilst we put measures in place to assist you, where possible.

We are mindful of the fact that some technicians’ certification will expire through no fault of their own and, due to the situation with COVID-19, it may be impossible for them to undertake such training until self-isolation and other government imposed restrictions/recommendations are lifted. It is also understood that some of our member companies and technicians will be providing services that are deemed ‘essential’ by governments.

In this regard, whilst we implement supporting measures, our Byelaws will continue to apply in all respects to members, and members will continue to be solely responsible for their own technicians and their activities.

Despite the above, given the unprecedented current circumstances and until we put appropriate measures in place, we will not seek to suspend or terminate the membership of any member who breaches its obligations in clause 6.1 (l) and the second limb of clause 6.1(m) (namely “and that all rope access personnel shall hold current IRATA qualifications”) of the Byelaws regarding the certification of its technicians which arises as a direct result of matters relating to COVID-19.

For the avoidance of doubt, the first part of clause 6.1(m) (namely “ensure that all rope access operations are directly supervised by IRATA Level 3 rope access technician(s)”) shall continue to apply to all members.

Neither IRATA nor any of its officers or employees shall have any liability to technicians, members or any third party in respect of any loss, liability, cost or expense arising out of or in connection with:

  1. technicians (or their employing companies) holding themselves out as being IRATA certified or qualified even though their certification has expired; and/or
  2. the temporary waiver of IRATA’s rights to suspend or terminate members’ membership because of a breach of clause 6.1 (l) and/or the second limb of clause 6.1 (m) of the Byelaws due to the COVID-19 containment actions.

As a compliant IRATA member company, we trust that you will exhaust every effort to ensure the safety of technicians undertaking rope activities on behalf of your company and comply with local legislation at all times.

We are currently preparing an electronic process for our technicians to apply for an extended period of certification. As soon as this becomes available, we will notify you and place a notice on the IRATA website, with instructions for technicians to follow. This will be a temporary solution and shall only be in place whilst the COVID-19 containment actions prevent assessors and training member companies from operating on a normal basis.

We will notify members as soon as it is determined that adequate access to IRATA training providers has resumed in specific jurisdictions.

We are aware that some technicians planning to upgrade to a higher level of IRATA certification may also have expired through no fault of their own and we are putting measures in place to assist technicians who find themselves in this position.

Thank you for your co-operation and we will keep you updated with all significant developments.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Capper
IRATA Chairman
For and on behalf of the Executive Committee

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